

We cover all aspects of ensuring you save money by checking the actual bill against the agreed upon rates with your carriers, and correcting any mistakes made on the bill by the carrier, checking for refunds you are owed for late deliveries, and getting you the actual refunds, investigating any instances of parcels that were put onto the manifest and never shipped, and getting this money returned to you as well. We check into all possible refunds you might be owed on your bill.

Typically, bills are audited shortly after they arrive and the effort is to correct billing errors, get refunds for late deliveries, etc and the short-pay the bill accordingly.
This is a beneficial and necessary phase of auditing on small parcel, and it is the one done by most freight payment companies and small parcel auditing companies. But to do only this omits the largest source of returned revenue in a parcel audit.

What is very DIFFERENT is we also review your bill again 3-4 weeks after it arrives, this is a second audit on the same bill, and we do a very thorough audit for lost and damaged packages. The reason for the 3-4 week delay, is we must give the carrier a chance to get the package to its destination. In the freight payment model of audit, they cannot recover this money. This is an entirely DIFFERENT kind of audit than the one done by your freight payment company.

There is usually an additional 3-5% recoverable for your company of your parcel shipping spend.
Because the carrier is also liable for the contents of each lost parcel (up to $100) in addition to the cost of shipping, these refunds can add up quickly, and on average come to 3-5% of your annual spend with the carriers.

Most companies find lost parcels by responding to customer complaints or notices from the carriers. They do not have the time to track down every shipment and get proof of delivery from the carrier and do all the work necessary to get a refund when called for, so we do that work for you. The best part is we will do all the work, so this does not become 'another project'.


COST RECOVERY will provide a comprehensive Claim Management and Reporting Service. This system provides:

  • Streamlined claim processing
  • Web based centralized claim system
  • Detailed management reports


These provide complete information on your shipping activities and shipping bills available right on your desktop. We offer both UPS Web Based EDI System and FedEx Web Based EDI system.


  • Streamline the Processing of your Invoices for Payment
  • All shipping history accessed at your desktop
  • Management reports to maintain shipping controls
  • Proper allocation of shipping charges
  • Reduction/Elimination of manual efforts
  • Reduce Address Correction Charges
  • Move Air Shipments to Ground Shipments


Many of our customers are seeing a large increase in address correction charges, often being more than the initial shipping charge. Many times the same incorrect address is used weekly! This scenario creates frustration for the customer, and repeated traffic in getting the delivery fulfilled. Our address correction services handle the problem, reducing the costs on your bill, and achieving increased customer satisfaction. We can usually achieve an 80% reduction in your address correction costs over the course of a year.